Founded in 1999, Wuxi Guangqiang Bearing Trade Co.,LTD, deals with precision bearings and bearing related products across a large spectrum of customers - primarily OEM and major distributors. We supply all kinds of bearings such as deep groove ball bearing, self-aligning ball bearing, spherical roller bearing, taper roller bearing, thrust ball bearing, cylindrical roller bearing and many more other types. Not only have we got "GQZ" brand, but also we have many other famous brand bearings. We will continue to update product information on this platform, including videos and pictures, case shows, production equipment, product features, material introduction, industry news, etc. Please pay more attention to us and feel free to contact us if you are interested in. E-mail: Tel: +86-510-82601571 Website:

Linear Bearing

Linear bearing is a linear motion system produced at low cost for infinite stroke and cylindrical shaft. Because the ball is loaded point contact with the shaft, so it has a small load when using. The steel ball rotates are with minimal friction resistance, thus achieving smooth motion with high precision. Linear bearings are widely used in electronic equipment, tensile testing machine and digital THREE-DIMENSIONAL coordinate measuring equipment and other precision equipment, as well as many Axis machine tools, punch, grinding machines, automatic gas cutting machines, printers, card sorting machines, food packing machines and other industry machinery sliding parts.